Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Welcome to Mommy-a-go-go

I think most moms today can understand the title. I can’t tell you how many of my mommy friends have come up to me and told me how frustrated they feel with the pace of their lives. It’s difficult. We feel we must constantly be doing something, so even in our down time, we can’t really enjoy it. There are so many things to get done around the house—the laundry, picking up clutter, scraping peanut butter off the countertops, cleaning up pee off the bathroom floor for the umpteenth time! When I’m watching tv, I’m not just watching tv; I’m folding clothes. When I’m cooking dinner, I’m not just cooking dinner; I’m emptying the dishwasher and putting outfits on Barbies.

And then there’s the constant pressure to be the perfect mother to your children. Gone are the days of kids just running around outside getting into trouble. Now they must have “stimulation”, whether it’s an educational video game or a Mandarin tutor. Kids go to dance, karate, soccer practice, girl/boy scouts, and gymnastics. Plus they must get 30 minutes of activity a day per pediatric guidelines, so now parents are taking their kids to fitness classes. I talked to a friend today who is taking her kids to a fitness class at her local gym for 25 bucks a month per kid.

The first word my oldest Ava learned to spell was S-T-O-P, as on a stop sign. I can’t just drive her to the grocery store, we have to have a lesson along the way. And while we’re driving to the grocery store, and having a spelling lesson, I’m also thinking of all the other things I need to get done. I think all this rushing around is stressful to my children, but I don’t know how to S-T-O-P. And I create more work for myself, by throwing elaborate birthday parties, volunteering at the school, and hosting book clubs. But when my husband tries to rein me in on some of this, I can’t let him, because the truth is I really enjoy all those things. I love being busy. I can’t stand to just sit at home and do nothing. And when I do, I feel guilty. So many contrasting feelings pulling me every which way. Motherhood is tough. And fast. And you better keep up with the pace.

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