Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas from the Kutach's!!!

Well, another year is almost over. We're all another year older, a little grayer (well, maybe not), but still having fun! We're as busy as ever, which I'm guessing is obvious based upon when I'm getting this out. But we're excited for a little break!

Ava and Lyla are growing like weeds. Ava is 7 and is in 1st grade. She still loves to read and dance, but she also loves to draw and make crafts. She joined Daisy Girl Scouts this year, and is thrilled with all the activities. Basically she is a very happy kid. She does great in school, and misses her friends when she's not in school. Lyla just turned 4. She goes to preschool two days a week and stays at home with me the other days. She is dancing as well, and also loves to go to story time at the library every week (usually with Grandma). She thinks she is a grownup and tries to boss around everyone around her. She loves cats and panda bears and copies everything Ava does. It's really funny.

Mark is still working at IAG. He spends most of his free time outside with the kids. He and Ava are avid gardeners and provided our kitchen with a huge crop of tomatoes and cucumbers this year. What time I don't spend driving the kids around, I like to crochet and come up with other crazy projects for our various activities. I got roped into being the leader for Ava's girl scout troop. I'm still helping out some at Ava's school.

Mark's sister Lindsey had a baby boy recently which has been a lot of fun for us. My sister is pregnant with her 3rd--due in March. The kids are really excited about the new babies. My parents took an extended trip to Europe in October. They haven't announced yet where their next adventure will take them. Mark's parents are still in West Columbia and his mother is in much better health.

I hope all of you and your loved ones are happy and healthy this holiday season. Have a great Christmas and a wonderful new year!